

I am so EXCITED for this Sunday (so much so that I spelled EXCITED twice and in all caps)!!

We have many things we are doing or are going to attempt to do that we haven't been doing!

We are giving info about our next Ownership classes!

We are offering you another weekend and opportunity to serve! (Saved People Serve People.)If you are not plugged into a volunteer opportunity please let me know!

We are starting our Christmas Offering.

We are going to have more people than we've ever had because you are bringing or inviting someone. (Found People Find People!)

It's going to be a great day. I wish it was Sunday right now!

Load in will happen at 6am. If you would like to join us, please do so. If you can't help with load in, we load out after the service. It would also be great if you can hang out a couple extra minutes to help.

January 9th is coming. . .let's get ready!


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