In two days I will be leaving with the March team that is going to Kenya from NewSpring! I can't wait and can't believe it. My overwhelming thought in preparing for my trip to Kenya is for God to show me why I'm going. I know there will be a great personal take-away. I've been told over and over "It will rock my world" or "It will change my life." I'm sure it will!
I know God has me where He has called me, and I couldn't be more passionate than I am for the local church and especially the local church he allows me to serve here in Charleston. As I told some of our attendees at Unleash last week, Charleston is my Promise Land! With that being said, I am even more prayerful about my trip to Africa and how God will use this experience to impact those of you with the Charleston Campus. I know that there will be many of you who will feel the call to go to Kenya, and I pray that through my trip you will be challenged to answer that call.
I ask that you pray for the trip and selfishly for me as your campus pastor. Pray that God would use us in an incredible way to further His GOOD NEWS!! I ask also that you pray for my family while I'm gone. I will be gone for ten days, and I know my wife would covet your prayers as she takes care of things at home.
I will be praying on Sunday for you and what God will do here in our cities. The volunteers God has assembled here in Charleston make it so easy for me to leave, knowing that our Church is in great hands. I will miss you guys and look forward to being back with you and continue to fulfill our desire to see the "Holy City" truly become the Holy City!
Prayers for you and the family! I pray that God will keep you all safe and reveal to you your individual purpose for this trip! It will be a fantastic time to bond and build life long relationships!! I pray that you are able to take in every moment and absorb what God has laid in front of you!! Have a wonderful time!! See ya when you get back!