
Getting Together

I have been asked by several people about assembling some sort of get together with people in Charleston interested in NewSpring Charleston. My wife and I will have and organize several times to do this once we get there. We will not be in Charleston until August, though, so in the meantime many have offered their houses or apartments for people to meet one another and even watch the services online together.

I think that is awesome!

But, I don't want to send your information without you giving me permission. If this is something you would like to be a part of and you wouldn't mind me sending an email out with your information on it, please let me know. Send me an email to charleston@newspring.cc with "Getting Together" in the subject line.



For those of you just joining and to keep this fresh on our hearts and minds!

This post you will see over and over again!! "It's why we do what we do"

From April:
Charleston Campus: last night Perry's post had a very staggering statistic that 84% of Charleston is unchurched. We are the highest percentage of all the NewSpring cities. As a church we will always be about those who have not encountered Christ. Perry said at the BiLo Center as hundreds flooded the front at the invitation, "It's why we do what we do!"

With that being said, I would like for you to send me names. If you live in Charleston or know someone in Charleston who we can pray that NewSpring Charleston will introduce to Jesus, please email me their name(s)!

Email me at charleston@newspring.cc (Please put NAMES in the subject line) also go to www.newspring.cc and enter them there. I am going to put the first name of each person sent to me on the blog so we can all begin praying for them by name.

"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35

84% unchurched. . . no reason to wait! We don't need a building to be His Church. Let's go to work!!