

This past Sunday was so great! We had over 100 people for the first time. We were able to do several things BETTER than we had the previous two weeks and were able to MORE than we had the two previous weeks as well!

"Something BETTER and something MORE than the week before" is our goal each week moving towards January 9th. Without hesitation I know we accomplished that this past week!!

Thank you to all of you have come on board to see God move in Charleston. I love that Perry says you can't plan a move of God, but you have to be prepared for one to happen. I know each week that's what we are doing.

If you have not gotten plugged in or come to check out a preview service yet please join us this Sunday.
Here are some of the volunteer opportunities that are available to you...
Guest Services
Load-in/ Load-out
Facilities Cleaning Team
Campus Safety
(Please email charleston@newspring.cc and we can connect you with someone to get you information and plugged into where you know God wants to use you.)

If you grabbed invite cards this weekend know that we are praying with you for divine appointments for you to give those out this week.

I can not wait until Sunday.

I'll let you know more about it later in the week.

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