
What you can do? Come with me to Florence!

Many of you have asked a great question, "Andy, what can I be doing now before the Charleston Campus launches? What do you need?"

I love this question and until now my answer has been, "not much... just pray and give!" Which sounds like a churchy, cop-out answer, but it's not. It's a need we have and will always have. For those of you who participate in praying and giving, you will see and experience being a part of NewSpring Charleston unlike those who do not.

But now I need you to do something else as well!
September 19th - October 24th
I will be going to Florence every Sunday, and I want you to go with me. This will be a great opportunity for you to see what it will be like in Charleston as well as get the opportunity to shadow someone volunteering in the area in which you are interested in serving.

This is how it will work. It would work best if you could plan to go two weeks. The first week you go, you will be able to see ALL the volunteer opportunities. Then, the second week, you will have the opportunity to shadow a Florence volunteer where you think you want to serve. Plan on going and being there for both services. This will give you the chance to attend a service as well as become familiar with how volunteering will work at Newspring Charleston.

Please email me the dates you are available and would like to go. Also include where you think you might want to serve. (Parkers, Greeters, Ushers, Production, Load in, Load out, Guest Services Desk, Resource Center, and KidSpring)

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